For a Long-term Strategy for Science and Innovation in Spain

SOMMa, ASEICA and AseBio, entities that bring together almost ten thousand researchers from the public and private spheres, dozens of research centers and nearly 300 leading Spanish companies in the biotechnology sector, join their voices to urge politicians to transform the country . More than 40 organizations in the field of science and innovation sign a document that calls, among other measures, to exceed 2.5% investment in R&D&I in 2027 to achieve a structural change in the economic model.

Committed to the cancer research

The first Report on Cancer Research and Innovation in Spain, by ASEICA, the Spanish Association Against Cancer (AECC), and the Banking Foundation “la Caixa”, analyses the areas to be promoted to fight the disease.

As well as economic figures, it focuses on analysing successes and areas of improvement to be taken into account to favour the research scenario. Medical advances that have emerged in the last 15 years, and which have contributed to improving the survival rates and the quality of life of patients and families, allow us to be optimistic. The evolution of precision medicine or immunotherapy, among other therapies, has changed the way of focusing diagnosis and treatment. These advances contribute to cure 55% of cancers. Therefore, research and innovation cannot be overlooked.

Situation of young scientists in Spain

The resources allocated to the training of researchers have been reduced in recent years. Young basic and clinical Spanish researchers find it difficult to get resources, one of the main obstacles to carry out their profession. SEOM ASEICA REPORT on the employment situation of young scientists under 40: 40×40

If you have developed your research project, we help you to disseminate it

Contact, send us your project and ASEICA’s Board will assess it so as to disseminate it through our communication channels.